Yeah I haven't blogged in a long time and I guess I'm going to try and come back to it.
Okay so what's recently been happening..
I moved from SLC to Lehi/Saratoga Springs. Fun fun.
I think I'm going to go to Westlake High, so I have to sign up soon, because it's almost time for school to start!
Scary! I'll be a sophomore this year. I'm going to try and see if they have another Architecture program at this school, but if they don't, my mom said I could go to one of those community colleges for classes. I really want to be an architect when I'm older. So I really have to work hard to get there. I need to try my hardest and get good grades if I want to do what I want.
Another thing that just happened was youth conference!
I've been to two in the past month. One from the old ward, and one from the new one.
The old ward we went camping and river rafting in Jackson, and with the new ward we went to Utah State University. We stayed in the dorms and did lots of fun activities.
We went to a school for mexican kids who's dads are crop farmers, and they move around alot. They speak Spanish and not a lot of English. We got to hang out with the kids that were 3 and 4.
My girl was really scary. She was drawing pictures of people dying and crashing in planes.
Then she kept spitting on me and hitting me in the face with the markers.
It was creepy. I didn't like it.
Have you guys heard of that movie that's coming out?
Walt & El Groupo
I wanna see it. That looks crazy awesome.
Okay I'll try to keep up with this thing.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Oh my gar!! I am soo jealous that Tiff, Mom, Liza and other people got to go! They keep telling me about how they said, "FACE TIME!" and one of them said it back, and how mom saw David Archuleta, and how Lady Gaga was awesome/scary, and how someone threw an I LOVE MORMON GIRLS! shirt on the stage and one of them put it on. Cheese...
Anyways, lately I've really been having fun at school, and STILL meeting new people! I have more friends here than I had in California (and I had a lot). We had a dance party at lunch the other day, and I had to teach almost all of 2nd lunch how to do the electric slide. Wow it was awesome. Oh and I've been doing really good in my Drafting (architect) class! We are drawing lots of awesome things. The only thing that makes me mad, is when I don't get every measurement perfect, the whole thing looks weird...
I also want to do sports here. I'm thinking about doing track later this year, and JV football next year. :)
I really REALLY wanna play! I was totally gonna play on the freshman team this year, but I was too scared. Oh yea, and I really lost my confidence in trying out a lot recently, cause Sharla and Paul were saying things, and other people were too...but who cares. I'm gonna do what I love and prove them wrong. :)
Oh yea! We did our talks today in Sacrament Meeting! Our whole family did. I was super scared, but I got even more nervous when Elder Ballard was sitting on the stage with us, and also the girl from High School Musical (the one that says, "I like to pop, lock, jam, and break!) was there! She is super pretty, but her fiance looks kinda weird with his mullety hair-do.
I thought I was talking super fast and I heard that my voice was shaky, but everyone said that I was the only one thinking that.
It was crazy afterwards, cause everyone was charging us and not the girl from HSM!
Mi madre got me tickets for the first showing and I can't wait! I think I am seriously going to pee myself in my trailer-pants! (though I don't have any)
I wanna see it like...a million times!
Who wants to go for Thanksgiving?!!?
(if you look at the last'll see the quizzes I took)
Anyways, lately I've really been having fun at school, and STILL meeting new people! I have more friends here than I had in California (and I had a lot). We had a dance party at lunch the other day, and I had to teach almost all of 2nd lunch how to do the electric slide. Wow it was awesome. Oh and I've been doing really good in my Drafting (architect) class! We are drawing lots of awesome things. The only thing that makes me mad, is when I don't get every measurement perfect, the whole thing looks weird...
I also want to do sports here. I'm thinking about doing track later this year, and JV football next year. :)
I really REALLY wanna play! I was totally gonna play on the freshman team this year, but I was too scared. Oh yea, and I really lost my confidence in trying out a lot recently, cause Sharla and Paul were saying things, and other people were too...but who cares. I'm gonna do what I love and prove them wrong. :)
Oh yea! We did our talks today in Sacrament Meeting! Our whole family did. I was super scared, but I got even more nervous when Elder Ballard was sitting on the stage with us, and also the girl from High School Musical (the one that says, "I like to pop, lock, jam, and break!) was there! She is super pretty, but her fiance looks kinda weird with his mullety hair-do.
I thought I was talking super fast and I heard that my voice was shaky, but everyone said that I was the only one thinking that.
It was crazy afterwards, cause everyone was charging us and not the girl from HSM!
Mi madre got me tickets for the first showing and I can't wait! I think I am seriously going to pee myself in my trailer-pants! (though I don't have any)
I wanna see it like...a million times!
Who wants to go for Thanksgiving?!!?
(if you look at the last'll see the quizzes I took)
Haha. Say that 5 times fast.
Here are some stupid quizzes I took, and since it's so late, and I can barely keep my eyes open...I'll do a real blog tomorrow after I do my talk in sacrament.

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Then I got all 32 answers right on the Twilight book quiz.
And oh my gar...
look at this height chart. It's crazy. Look how short Alice is!!!!!!!!
Here are some stupid quizzes I took, and since it's so late, and I can barely keep my eyes open...I'll do a real blog tomorrow after I do my talk in sacrament.
You Are 95% Hyper |
![]() You have an energy unlike any other. You're full of pep. People wonder how you are able to get so much done. You love to keep busy. It's likely that you're very physically active as well. You have a lot of physical endurance. You are also quite outgoing. You're quick to start up a conversation and make friends. You have the drive, confidence, and motivation to take you far in life. While you may tire some people out, someone else is always looking to feed off your energy. |

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Then I got all 32 answers right on the Twilight book quiz.
And oh my gar...
look at this height chart. It's crazy. Look how short Alice is!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
You need to watch the first video cause the second one won't work.
Now I have three things to say:
1. Go try to win a free bag at
3. I just got called as the Mia Maid Secretary and I got set apart in front of Elder Ballard. :-)
Now I have three things to say:
1. Go try to win a free bag at
3. I just got called as the Mia Maid Secretary and I got set apart in front of Elder Ballard. :-)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yea haha I know that title is kinda stupid, but hey that's what I am! (and its also the name to the book I'm reading)
I went to another game on Friday and it was against Cottonwood. We lost by one touchdown but that's okay, we had a fun time. I made so many more friends than I had, and I also found out that my new best friend gives the BEST hugs in the whole world! He is so awesome. Oh yeah and about the last football game post...Ashley you were right about the guy I liked. Ishmael hates my guts for some reason. He hasn't talked to me since THAT NIGHT! (the night I posted that blog) And it really sucks cause he was awesome. :(
Anyways...HAHA! Oh my gosh. During the game, me and Jonah were walking around and this group of 10-15 black guys all walked up to me and started hitting on me and trying to hold my hand and hug me and get me to sit on their lap and all that stuff. They were literally fighting over me and it was hilarious. Then one of them yelled, "Fellas! Fellas! Look at this beautiful young woman! She shouldn't have to watch us quarrel like this! Now.....since I am the one that is the most polite.....and good looking, I should get her." (yea he was trying to talk big) :P
So he put his arm around me and made me walk with him. I pushed his arm down and told him to keep his distance or I wouldn't walk with him, so he said, "Aight guuurrll! I'll respect you!" He was asking me all these weird questions like, "Do you hear my accent?" I said no and then he said, "WHAT?! How can you not? How 'bout you guess where it is from! Do you think it is...Jamaican....African....English....take a guess." I told him I didn't know and he yelled, "IT'S A COMBINATION! I'm so awesome-more awesome than those other guys-that I'm from like...4 different countries!" I told him that is cool, and went to hang out with my friends. I will never forget how weird he was...hehe.
Hey you know that new movie that just came out called "Forever Strong"? Yea I wanna see it cause it was filmed at my school, and we had most of the cast at our school for an assembly. It was really awesome. My friends and I want to sign up for rugby in the Spring. I wanted to sign up for football this year but I was too late.....or I was just a girl.. :(
Oh well....I'll try again. One of the coaches really wants me to so I hope that's a good sign.
I just heard about this singer called Lenka. I think she is awesome.
(click picture)

I wanna go to her concert November 18th at the Avalon Theater, but I don't think I can... :(
Check her out. I'm sure you will like her. :) HANDBAGPLANET.COM they have a contest going on! Check it out
I went to another game on Friday and it was against Cottonwood. We lost by one touchdown but that's okay, we had a fun time. I made so many more friends than I had, and I also found out that my new best friend gives the BEST hugs in the whole world! He is so awesome. Oh yeah and about the last football game post...Ashley you were right about the guy I liked. Ishmael hates my guts for some reason. He hasn't talked to me since THAT NIGHT! (the night I posted that blog) And it really sucks cause he was awesome. :(
Anyways...HAHA! Oh my gosh. During the game, me and Jonah were walking around and this group of 10-15 black guys all walked up to me and started hitting on me and trying to hold my hand and hug me and get me to sit on their lap and all that stuff. They were literally fighting over me and it was hilarious. Then one of them yelled, "Fellas! Fellas! Look at this beautiful young woman! She shouldn't have to watch us quarrel like this! Now.....since I am the one that is the most polite.....and good looking, I should get her." (yea he was trying to talk big) :P
So he put his arm around me and made me walk with him. I pushed his arm down and told him to keep his distance or I wouldn't walk with him, so he said, "Aight guuurrll! I'll respect you!" He was asking me all these weird questions like, "Do you hear my accent?" I said no and then he said, "WHAT?! How can you not? How 'bout you guess where it is from! Do you think it is...Jamaican....African....English....take a guess." I told him I didn't know and he yelled, "IT'S A COMBINATION! I'm so awesome-more awesome than those other guys-that I'm from like...4 different countries!" I told him that is cool, and went to hang out with my friends. I will never forget how weird he was...hehe.
Hey you know that new movie that just came out called "Forever Strong"? Yea I wanna see it cause it was filmed at my school, and we had most of the cast at our school for an assembly. It was really awesome. My friends and I want to sign up for rugby in the Spring. I wanted to sign up for football this year but I was too late.....or I was just a girl.. :(
Oh well....I'll try again. One of the coaches really wants me to so I hope that's a good sign.
I just heard about this singer called Lenka. I think she is awesome.
(click picture)

I wanna go to her concert November 18th at the Avalon Theater, but I don't think I can... :(
Check her out. I'm sure you will like her. :) HANDBAGPLANET.COM they have a contest going on! Check it out
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tiff and I just got back from a Young Womens activity, and we went to a shooting range. They had about 15 guns, ranged in order from smallest to largest. The smallest was probably a .22, and I think the biggest was a machine gun. Tiff and I were the only ones who did all of them. The other girls were scared but I don't know why.
People kept asking if we've done it before but we never had. Even the girls who had wouldn't even do the big ones! Even the guy instructing us was surprised. Now people call me 'police girl' cause of the way I was holding them. Haha. It was crazy awesome. Now we want guns just to shoot things. But nothing living. NOTHING.
Oh my garrr! I have mid terms now! :(
This sucks I hate them.
Look at this HILARIOUS thing a mormon guy wrote about Edward. Hehe it's awesome.
People kept asking if we've done it before but we never had. Even the girls who had wouldn't even do the big ones! Even the guy instructing us was surprised. Now people call me 'police girl' cause of the way I was holding them. Haha. It was crazy awesome. Now we want guns just to shoot things. But nothing living. NOTHING.
Oh my garrr! I have mid terms now! :(
This sucks I hate them.
Look at this HILARIOUS thing a mormon guy wrote about Edward. Hehe it's awesome.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Football Game!
Wow that was really fun. It was my first high school football game and we lost against East High (BOOOO!) cause they cheated for sure. :/
But the good part was that I got to hang out with my BEST friend Ishmael the whole time! Ahhh! He is soooo cute! My mom saw him and she says he is a really cute boy. I can't wait till I'm 16! Yay!
He is tall, dark and handsome....for real.
He IS tall, he IS dark with dark brown curly hair, and he IS handsome! He also has the most GORGEOUS eyes! ...........Crystal Green.......Wow......... Haha.
Anyways...I've lost about 5 pounds so far at school cause of all the running up and down stairs all day. Ugh. And I also want to sign up for Football! One of the coaches really wants me to, but the other one doesn't cause he is a sexist. :(
Oh well, I'll try again next year.
And oh my dddoooshhh!!!!
I was running after the bus the other day with my shoes off, and there was a crack in the sidewalk and I hit my left foot on my foot looks like this... (this isn't my foot)

Oh yeah, but the WHOLE side of my toe is gone, not just the top. Yukky. I keep crying during PE while we play football cause they ALWAYS throw it to me, not that I object, but it really hurts when I have to run to make every dang touchdown. Haha.
Well.....I have to go to Joe's tomorrow after Jonah's game... :(
I'm not too excited. :(

But the good part was that I got to hang out with my BEST friend Ishmael the whole time! Ahhh! He is soooo cute! My mom saw him and she says he is a really cute boy. I can't wait till I'm 16! Yay!
He is tall, dark and handsome....for real.
He IS tall, he IS dark with dark brown curly hair, and he IS handsome! He also has the most GORGEOUS eyes! ...........Crystal Green.......Wow......... Haha.
Anyways...I've lost about 5 pounds so far at school cause of all the running up and down stairs all day. Ugh. And I also want to sign up for Football! One of the coaches really wants me to, but the other one doesn't cause he is a sexist. :(
Oh well, I'll try again next year.
And oh my dddoooshhh!!!!
I was running after the bus the other day with my shoes off, and there was a crack in the sidewalk and I hit my left foot on my foot looks like this... (this isn't my foot)

Oh yeah, but the WHOLE side of my toe is gone, not just the top. Yukky. I keep crying during PE while we play football cause they ALWAYS throw it to me, not that I object, but it really hurts when I have to run to make every dang touchdown. Haha.
Well.....I have to go to Joe's tomorrow after Jonah's game... :(
I'm not too excited. :(

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