Monday, May 26, 2008

We are in Utah!

We are in Utah and we are having a bunch of fun! It is very cold and I love it. We saw Indiana Jones today. It was amazing. I think I almost either passed out or peed my pants when the Twilight trailer showed. And then mom and Liza were laughing at me cause this person was wearing overalls, and I was trying to tell them but I couldn't remember what they were called so I said, " Hey look at those.....uhhh....trailer pants." Then Liza said, "What? Are you related to Grandpa John?" It was embarrassing.
Then we went to Red Robin and I ate the most delicious burger. It was the A1 Peppercorn burger or something like that. Next time you go there, I suggest you get that. We also went to Susan's! It was so fun! We played rock band and hung out, and ate really good cake and hung out some more!
Uhhh...what else.....I'm not sure. OH! I got the Host the other day. But I haven't started it yet...I'll get to it soon though.
I was supposed to be at a choir thing this weekend but I didn't want to go. So if my teacher is mad when I get back (and he definitely will be), I'll see you people in heaven. I'm not kidding, he is the most terrifying thing EVER!
Oh and here's the Dance Festival dance I have to do with Cody Tobar! <3
But it is 3 times faster. Very hard. Cha Cha

Monday, May 5, 2008

I CANNOT BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear I didn't breathe the whole time I watched this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will die I'm so freakin excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my gosh. My hands are paralyzed.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ammazing Prediction of the 4th Book!

OME!!! [oh my edward]
I was just looking around at a bunch of random sites about Twilight-like usual when I'm on the computer-and I came upon this one site.
Edwards' Meadow
And if you click the fan fics, you'll see a bunch of awesome stories.
Well, I was reading them all, and they are pretty awesome. But then, when I clicked on the last one-named My Version of Breaking Dawn-I was in awe at how amazing it was!
It was like a short book that took me not even a whole hour to read! I cried, but I'm not exactly sure why......oh I remember! I cried because, Jacob.......wait I can't tell you! You HAVE to read it.
And if this is how the 4th book is..........I don't know. I think I would be kinda happy, but Stephenie's is probably better-although this one is great.
Click Here to view it. Oh and you have to read all the chapters IN ORDER! Or else everything will get messed up.
Look at this new picture too!

By the way...I don't exactly like Kristen Stewert as Bella.
Look how CUTE Alice looks in the back!!